Wednesday, October 14, 2015


7 Towers Theatre "Closer" Trailer
Most recently, I created a trailer for a 7 Towers Theatre play in Austin. They told me to merely make a commercial for them using a newtons cradle, being that the theatre company hadn't had any rehearsals yet so the actors were not available. So essentially, all I had to work from was the script and an object. After brainstorming and experimenting with lighting, I created the trailer in only 3 days. Not only was the theatre company impressed with my work, saying it was the best trailer they've ever had (including one made the year before by a college graduate with a degree in film making), but they also told me that they are going to come to me to make the trailers for all of their future productions.

Mel's Lone Star Lanes Advertisement
Previously, I also assisted in making a video promoting Mel's Lone Star Lanes in Austin. For this project, I worked with a group of 3 people with myself being the only editor. This project definitely took the longest out of any I have done before.The sound bites from the videos were HORRIBLE because the sound artist did not use the right kind of microphone and we were in a bowling alley. Ultimately, they told me to just make it work. Thankfully, through the use of many filters and working with the volume levels, I was finally able to make the sound decent. This project took me around a month to completely finish sorting through and editing together the hundred video clips, and came out 10x better than the managers hoped for.

Don't Do Drugs
Outside of advertising, about 2 years ago, I created a Public Service Announcement for the Travis County Sheriff PSA competition. I ended up getting 5th place due to my obvious fake drugs :-), but It highlighted my ability to edit videos, color correct video clips, and time my transitions. In fact, after this video, I was recognized as the best video editor at my school - and I remained in the position all the way throughout the rest of my high school career. Though I had to give my "other group mates" credit in the end credits, I completely did the video myself. No one else assisted me in filming other than my little brother, Marquise, who panned the camera for me in the scene where I leave my house to the street. Other than that, my mom, and the hand who gives me the drugs, there was no one else involved in the filming or editing of this product. In order to film, I merely placed my single tripod in different positions .

HHS Band TMEA Presentation
For band, my director came to me to ask me to create a 5 minute video presenting how traditions create a solid band program for his upcoming presentation at the Texas Music Educators Association convention in San Antonio this past Spring, knowing that I was the best video editor in the area. Hundreds of music educators would be in attendance. In a small amount of time, after searching for various video clips from our band throughout the last couple of years and conducting several interviews, I was able to produce this fantastic video. My band director, Garth Gundersen, was amazed at what I was able to accomplish and showed the video off countless times to the rest of the band noting how wonderful it looked.

"The Last Page" Trailer
On a fun note, this past Summer, my friend Alex and I were going to make a YouTube series entitled, "The Last Page." Though the actual thing never actually started happening, we did happen to make a trailer for it in one night. I was in charge of all editing, while my friend was in charge of all sound and sound bites. It came out pretty well. This demonstrates my ability to edit not only commercially but for story-lines also.

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